Your school is good but
TotSpark will make it even better
The best schools are dedicated to the ongoing improvement of the school and its programs. All early childhood schools have to be good at addressing the needs of their core constituents: the children, the parents, and the teachers. TotSpark can help.
​An added advantage of TotSpark is that what we offer schools is a supplemental guided play learning system to enhance and use alongside any other material the school may be using.
The Children
The most important group is the children.​
​Children love school when it is fun and laughter filled, where the learning is engaging and interesting, and where they’re encouraged to express themselves and their ideas – in other words, a place where they can be their true selves, find validation, and be happy.
TotSpark’s play learning tools and method help make early childhood schools joyful, enriching learning centers that children love.
The Parents
Parents want to see their children come home from school happy.
But they also want to feel that your school is preparing their child for kindergarten by giving them a solid foundation for learning success. This means encouraging curiosity, inquiry, and independent thinking, and providing a warm environment that nurtures pleasure and satisfaction from learning. This is what TotSpark supports.
If you believe that young children should have a wide
range of engaging and stimulating hands-on experiences alongside and supported by play and that parents will enjoy knowing their children are happily learning while having fun, you’ll want to know more about TotSpark’s method and play learning tools.
The Teachers
The most important factor in a child’s preschool experience is the teacher. TotSpark not only helps keep good teachers happy, we help keep good teachers.
One of the biggest challenges for early childhood schools is to minimize staff turnover and keep teachers enthusiastic about their jobs. Losing a good teacher upsets the children, the parents, and the school. TotSpark can help schools reduce teacher turnover. Here’s how:​
​We lighten the task of preparation by giving teachers strong instructional support including clear cues and suggested approaches that accompany each tool every step of the way.
But best of all is the feedback the teacher gets from the children’s engagement, interest, and fun while using TotSpark. Teachers have said that the enthusiasm TotSpark generated in their children gave them a rewarding sense of achievement and effectiveness as a teacher.