Government Support
Community support from government might help Reach Out communities and job satellites to serve more people. A local not-for-profit, as grant applicant, would have fiduciary responsibility for the government funds received. A Pennsylvania example: State Support for Local Government’s Not-for-Profits Community Development Block Grants.
CDBG’s are linked to PAsmart initiatives. These funds are allocated within PA to approximately 200 local governments to address local community development needs and are intended to “improve critical community health and welfare infrastructure.” These funds “can be used for economic development, community facilities….” Program guidelines are available at dced.pa.gov/cdbg.
“Seventy percent of each entitlement grant must be used for activities that benefit low- and moderate-income persons….”
“The CDBG grant should:
• Promote access to well-paying jobs for all Pennsylvanians
• Secure stabile high-paying jobs in manufacturing
• Develop a skilled workforce
• Help workers involved in low-wage jobs by training them for in-demand careers.”
Federal Grant Programs
The National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Discovery Research Pre-K to 12 Program (DRK-12) “seeks to significantly enhance the learning and teaching…of STEM education innovations and approaches.” Inquiries can be made to (703 292 8620).
HRSA-21-050 and PD-21-191Y can also be addressed in a partnership with a local government agency or not-for-profit corporation.